Jenny Spontak
is a Bible teacher, retreat speaker, and author with passion for seeing women reconciled to Christ and for teaching them how to allow the Holy Spirit to put the broken pieces of their hearts back together. The Holy Spirit led Jenny through a journey of healing that has freed her from a lifelong eating disorder, drug addiction, and other deep, self-destructive behavior patterns.
Jenny leads a weekly women’s Bible study in Lemont and two small groups in Lockport. Her strength is helping women apply God’s Word to their everyday circumstances. In 2021, Jenny published her first Bible study on the topic of righteousness and entitled the workbook: “Who Do You Think You Are? Become Who God Says You Are!”
This Bible study is intended to help you discover how you see yourself and causes you to reflect on whether your identity based on who YOU think you are or if it is established on who GOD says you are.
Jenny’s joy is found in watching women experience the freedom that is available to them when they engage in the soul healing process. Her main focus in ministry is to encourage other women to discover their new identities in Christ.
Jess Olivito
In 2013, Jess founded The Sozo Group, a grass-roots marketplace ministry in the Southwest Chicago suburbs, that partners with churches, organizations and businesses to unite Kingdom of God. In unity, Jess continues to work with other leaders “out in the marketplace” in an effort to improve the spiritual condition of our land. With her apostolic gifting at work, Jess partners with countless others to show the love of Jesus to a desperately hurting world.
Through her experiences with sozo, Jess has allowed God to heal many areas of darkness in her life. As a result, Jess is a changed person and therefore feels compelled to help others who continue to face similar struggles: fear, anxiety, mental illness, low self-worth, addiction and even suicidal ideation.
In 2018, Jess completed a 12-week spiritual workshop aimed at freeing her own creativity while also making a decision to dive deeper into ministry training so she could better serve others. These efforts resulted in fast growth for the ministry (and its leaders) and has created countless “God connections” within our circles of influences out in the marketplace.
Stay tuned for Jess’ future workshop offerings (and spiritual coaching) that focuses on: identifying your passions, setting goals & boundaries, overcoming financial destructive patterns, activating soul healing & personal growth, and navigating difficult relationships in a healthier way.
Dee Everson
is a Christian artist and author who loves to experiment with a variety of textures, colors and sizes in her works; thus developing a strong love for mosaics. Dee explores and enjoys all kinds of mediums, but finds herself most enamored by colored glass.
It’s Dee’s love of Jesus, mosaics, and stained glass that inspired her to develop the curriculum for a Mosaic Bible Study where women explore how their relationship with Jesus leads to a discovery of God’s intentional design for their own lives. In Peace by Piece, ladies create their own mosaic charger plate symbolizing their relationship with the Lord throughout an 8-week study.
Dee partnered with long-time friend and Bible teacher Jenny Spontak to co-author the Peace by Piece Study Workbook and together, they lead teams offering creative ministry events designed to infuse women’s lives with healing, hope and color.