What Does Sozo Mean?

The Greek word "sozo" was used over a hundred times in the New Testament and truly is an all-encompassing word often rendered to mean “save” or “saved.” But a closer look at the Bible shows us that salvation includes much more than just the forgiveness of sins. Bible scholars teach us that this tiny word, "sozo", means a whole bunch of awesome things. We learn that it means forgiveness, healing, and total deliverance through Christ’s saving power. In other words, sozo means being made whole through Jesus and the ability to receive abundantly from Him right now. Therefore, "sozo" truly is the meaning of life.

"Sozo" refers to the healing of our bodies, the protection of our minds, the deliverance of the souls, as well as financial prosperity. Many in the modern church have interpreted salvation only to be forgiveness of sins, but that’s a misrepresentation of what the Lord did. Forgiveness of our sins is certainly the centerpiece and we do not minimize this point. However, at the same time Christ died to purchase our redemption from sin, He also freed us from sickness, disease, depression, and poverty.

Jesus became poor so that we through His poverty might be made rich—abundantly supplied. Through Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, God has provided everything we need in this life now AND in the life to come—forgiveness of sins, healing, deliverance, and prosperity. Isn’t God good!?

Jessica Olivito

Dream Developer Jess Olivito is a passionate connector who thrives on social interaction. She's detail-oriented, excels under pressure and lives life with high integrity. Jess is a team-spirited creative who’s passionate about bringing authentic value to other people. She enjoys partnering with others who are intentional about making a genuine difference in the world.


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Sozo - A Biblical Analysis